Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Should it be legalized?

In recent years, euthanasia has been a topic of discussion around the globe. The most common definition of euthanasia is the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.

There are several types of euthanasia ,for instance active, passive, voluntary , and involuntary. Most of the countries around the world prohibit the practice of euthanasia except Holland , Belgium, Luxemborg , Thailand and a few states in the United States.

It is admitted that there are pro and cons of euthanasia. In this case, some people are in the line with its legalization and the other are against it.They have their own reasons for their stands and are summarized below :-


-People have a right to decide when they want to die.
-Wrong to keep people alive beyond their natural life span (e.g. life support machine).
-Gives people the ability to die with dignity.
-Relatives spared the agony of watching their loved ones suffer a slow and painful death.


-People might commit euthanasia against a person’s wishes.
-People might recover from an illness against all odds. Doctor’s diagnosis might be wrong.
-Christians believe in the Sanctity of Life.
-Against Commandment ‘Do not kill’.
-Doctors are against euthanasia it is their job to try and save & protect life.
-Some people think accepting suffering may have a spiritual value for your soul.

To recapitulate, it depends on us whether to support or reject the idea of euthanasia. Death is very subjective and everybody will face it one day. It is just the way how one's life end that differ.....